Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dream Four

Last night, I had a very confusing and somewhat terrifying dream. A "bug guy" came to my house; by house, I mean my family home in Seattle. This bug expert brought hundreds of bugs and released them in my house. It had started as an informative, fun thing for my family to do together. The insects included scorpions, roaches, and spiders. The "bug guy" brought lizards as well. Frighteningly, many of these insects and lizards were poisonous or had vicious bites and stings. In the dream, the bugs were released in our living room and were allowed to run everywhere. The expert neglected to close any doors or quarantine the area, despite us having two cats and a large home. At one point, my brother got stung by a scorpion. It appeared that he was in excruciating pain and we had to fight off other insects in order to prevent him from another painful encounter. Eventually, we were forced to stand on a windowsill and couches in order to avoid a sting or bite. There were bugs covering the floor! The dream ended in desperation as we feared for our cats' lives. We began to beg the "bug guy" to gather his collection; unfortunately, he could not find them all because they had moved to tons of different rooms and under furniture. The situation was made more frustrating because this particular insect expert was unnecessarily arrogant during the entire encounter. It was definitely one of the scariest dreams I have ever had.

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